Guy Fritz Wikipedia, bio, age, nationality, height, wife, children, profession, net worth

6E378487 B8E3 4990 8A67 4B8D3E6F1BFEGuy Henry Fritz is a former professional tennis player and coach who received the US Olympic Developmental Coach of the year in 2016.

He is known to have helped to secure tennis scholarships for over 300 players in the United States of America.

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Guy Fritz Wikipedia & Biography

Guy Henry Fritz is a former professional tennis player and coach who was named the 2016 US Olympic Developmental Coach of the Year.

Guy Fritz age and birthday

Guy Henry Fritz’s exact date of birth has not been made public yet.

Guy Fritz nationality

Guy Fritz is an American.

Guy Fritz height

Guy Fritz, a former professional tennis player is 6 ft. 5 inches tall.

What does Guy Fritz do for a living?

Guy Fritz is a retired tennis player and coach by profession.

Guy Fritz wife and children

Guy Fritz is married to Kathy May Fritz, who is also a former professional tennis player. The couple gave birth to Taylor Fritz.

Guy Fritz net worth

Guy Fritz’s net worth is estimated to be an amount of approximately 2 million dollars. Which he earned from his profession.
