Damian Marley Interview - AskMen

Damian Marley’s Self-Reflective Nature Is His Greatest Asset

December 23, 2022




After a two-year Covid hiatus, the Welcome To Jamrock Reggae Cruise is officially back in session. This year, the cruise — which is the brainchild of reggae icon Damian Marley and his manager, Dan Dalton — made its seventh voyage to Jamaica with a slew of reggae/dancehall musicians who helped populate a lineup that would make any reggae fan drool. Performances from Bounty Killer, Shabba Ranks, and even Damian Marley himself began around sunset and continued deep into the early morning hours just before sunrise each day.

Marley — a four-time Grammy Award winning artist and son of reggae legend Bob Marley — brought the heat with his performance on the “All White Night” aboard the Royal Caribbean ship, an evening where all passengers in attendance dressed in white and celebrated the theme of peace and love — a theme which acted as a vibe for all acts that evening, and was the throughline for the duration of the five-day excursion.

Over the course of the trip, passengers enjoyed an array of cuisines — many specific to Jamaica, including jerk chicken and cassava flatbread — which, combined with the continuous live reggae music, helped provide an authentic experience of the country’s culture within the unique confines of a cruise ship. For those in search of roots, rock, and reggae, the WTJRC definitely delivers on that experience.

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Prior to the voyage, we were able to connect with Marley over Zoom and learn more about his music origins, creative process, and the key attributes that have led to his successes both on land and at sea.

AskMen: Coming from such a historical musical family, was music just ingrained in your DNA?

Damian Marley: Well that’s the ongoing question, right? Whether it’s nature or nurture. I guess it’s a bit of both because I come from a bloodline of talented people who are inclined to perform music. But also, I grew up in an environment that was nurturing of music. I had access to studios, I would go and see my brothers perform as a very young child — all of these things helped nurture my interest in music. So it’s a bit of both, really, and it’s also being a fan of music.

A lot of my inspiration to pursue music didn’t necessarily come from family; it was from other artists out in the world who I was a fan of. More specifically, early dancehall music, eighties dancehall music, and coming-up-in-the-early-nineties dancehall music in Jamaica. That was really the music I purchased for myself first, before any other genre, going off of my own interests. It was being a fan of music and aspiring to do what I saw my heroes do.

Was there a moment along your journey early on where you realized music was more than just an interest?

It’s hard to pinpoint any moment because I started performing concerts professionally when I was twelve or thirteen years old. I had other interests, but music was always constant and I grew into it, so that by the time I left high school, I was certain I wanted to pursue it — there was no question about it. But again, because music was such a part of my upbringing, it would be hard to pinpoint any one occasion that would have snapped it for me.

So in many ways, it was more osmosis, and because it was something you were involved in at such a young age, it wasn’t like—

There was never any great awakening for me. I woke up very slowly.

Would you say your family’s support of your pursuits was integral to staying on the path?

That’s how the story went, right? It’s hard to say what would have happened if I hadn’t had my family’s support. That’s how the story went, I did have a lot of family support. My first album that was released was produced by my older brother [Stephen Marley] and I learned a lot — and still learn a lot from him. He’s still one of my greatest teachers when it comes down to music and my career. So I can’t say what would have happened had he not been there or had I not had my family’s support, but that’s how it happened, so that’s how the story goes.

When it comes to your continued inspirations creatively, what inspires you when you’re thinking up a new song?

Every song has its own story. There’s really not any one thing that you can point out. We give thanks to The Almighty — all inspiration comes from The Almighty, which ends up translating itself to life experiences. So, it would depend on the experience that influenced or inspired a specific song. Every song is different, but every song we do draw from some facet of life — my own experience, an experience of a friend, something I’m seeing on the news or whatever the case may be.

You’re living your life, and from those moments, you’ll transmute whatever it is that you’re experiencing.

For example, if I were to sing a love song — obviously the war in Ukraine didn’t inspire the love song, it was a relationship with a lover. As opposed to if I’m singing about world peace, that would more so be inspired by war or some kind of world event. By listening to the song, you can kind of figure out what kind of situation I drew the inspiration from, in most cases. One or two songs you might have some abstract thing where you might not connect the dots, but in most cases, it’s very plain to see the type of situation that inspired the song.

Do you start with a melody, lyrics, or is it entirely dependent on the specific track?

For the most part, we usually have a little beat going first when it comes to me writing. But again, it’s not a rule. There are a lot of different ways, but for the most part, we get some kind of beat going first.

And if you could reduce it down, what moments or experiences have helped fuel your success as an artist the most?

From an artistic standpoint, I would say being my own best critic and being honest to myself. It annoys me when I’m working with artists or musicians who can give a very honest critique of someone else’s music but cannot criticize their own very well. They’re not being honest with themselves — where they think their music is booming and it’s not. Basically, when they share the same opinion about everyone else’s music but not their own. I don’t like that. So for me myself, I tend to really criticize myself very harshly where sometimes people have to encourage me that a song is good or what I’m doing is great, where I don’t think it’s that great. I’m always striving to be better or trying to look for something that is really impressive.

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It’s been a gradual growth for me. If you listen from my first album to where I’m at now, you can hear the growth and development, which has come from writing multiple songs, writing multiple verses. It comes with time and “practice makes perfect,” you know what I mean? It’s not something where I just think that everything that comes out of my mouth is gold. I think that’s a good asset for any artist or just people in general — to really strive to be great — -and it’s not something that just comes overnight.

The self-reflective bit is really on point too, where instead of focusing on what other people are doing or not doing, it’s more about, “How can my stuff be the best that it possibly can be?”

But you still have to keep the consideration of what other people are doing. If you’re not “up to standard” with your competitors so-to-speak. Although music is very subjective, it’s all about opinion. What you like, I might not like, but there’s still a certain standard of quality that you need to know if you’re meeting or not.

Would you say if you’re creating from that place of pure joy, pure imagination — more often than not, you’re going to hit that standard of quality?

Some people make music for themselves, and that’s cool too. But if you’re trying to make music for the masses, there’s a lot to consider when embarking on a marketable career. You have to consider the ins and outs of music. Is it going to be played on the radio? How are people going to hear it? You still have to consider a little bit of that too. So it’s a give and take when it comes to those things.

Is there an intersection between the two where you’re creating for yourself and then it just so happens that creating for yourself it reaches a lot of people?

That’s the sweet spot you’re trying to find. So it’s a kind of balance, you know what I mean? You definitely want to please yourself — that comes first. But you’re trying to find something that you love that everybody else will also love, and that can be tricky. Not everybody loves what you love.

And you’re saying you need to be aware of these certain factors.

Yeah, so that you’re aware of when you stumble across something for everyone, as opposed to just for a few.

Follow @damianmarley, @welcomtojamrockreggaecruise and check out https://damianmarley.com for tickets and tour dates

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