Who is Gina Rodriguez's husband Joe Locicero? Wiki, age, height, kids, Vampire Diaries, net worth

Gina Rodriguez is an actress and television producer from the United States. She is best known for playing Jane Villanueva in The CW’s satirical romantic comedy Jane the Virgin (2014–2019), for which she won a Golden Globe Award in 2015.

Who is Gina Rodriguez’s husband Joe Locicero?

Gina Rodriguez and her husband, Joe LoCicero, met in 2016 when he appeared as a Don Quixote-impersonating stripper on an episode of Jane the Virgin. Still, they didn’t end up hooking up until a few months after they connected.

“I met him six months later at a boxing gym after we shot together,” Rodriguez revealed during an interview

After dating for two years, the couple got engaged in 2018. They tied the knot a year later on May 4th, 2019, but Rodriguez admitted they came close to eloping a few months earlier.

Now, LoCicero and Rodriguez have been married for three years, and for now, they don’t have any kids.
