Who is Morgan Freemans son Alfonso Freeman? Wiki, age, height, wife, children, movies, net worth

Morgan Freeman is an 85-year-old veteran actor who is a household name in the global movie industry.

The award-winning actor and narrator have starred in many blockbuster Hollywood movies over his more than 5 decades as an actor.

Who is Morgan Freeman’s son Alfonso Freeman? Wiki, age, height, wife, children, movies, net worth

Alfonso, according to our thorough checks is the first son of the Lean on Me actor. He was born in Los Angeles on September 13, 1959, to Loletha Adkins and Morgan Freeman.

Freeman never got married to his mother after he was born. Alfonso never knew he was the son of a famous actor until he burst onto the Hollywood scene as an actor in his own right before he got to meet him.

Alfonso got married to Cynthia, his first wife in 1982 and fathered three children with her. Their marriage however ended in divorce in 1989 due to irreconcilable differences between them. He is currently married to Larcenia Letice.

He has starred in numerous blockbuster movies such as The Bucket List, Shattered, The Retrieval, The Invited, Double Duty, and a host of others over the years.

Source: Ghanafuo.com
