Who is Otto Porter Jr. mother Elnora Porter? Bio, age, profession, family, net worth

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Elnora Porter is a celebrity mother.

She is the mother of Otto Porter Jr. who is an American Professional Basketball Player. He plays in the National Basketball Association (NBA) for the Golden State Warriors.

Who is Otto Porter Jr. mother Elnora Porter? Bio, age, profession, family, net worth

Elnora is the mother of Otto Porter Jr. the American professional basketball player.

She is married to Otto Porter Sr. and they had only one child who is Porter Jr. Her husband Otto Sr. was an honored member of Scott County Central High School’s first championship team in 1976 and also still maintains the high school record with 1,700 rebounds.

Her age has not been made public yet but it seems between her husband the gap might be around six to seven years. According to the report they both met in college and fell in love.

She was athletic and helped the same school win the state title in 1984 and together they encouraged their only son to become a basketball player.

She and her husband have retired from their jobs but the name of the work was not stated and no information about her net worth was given.
