Fat whores everywhere will be flying their flags at half mast!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 26 | March 9, 2022 6:45 PM |
Crying as I try to type this with Entenmann's cake slices in both hands.
by Anonymous | reply 1 | March 9, 2022 5:15 AM |
His raspberry danish was the food of the gods.
by Anonymous | reply 2 | March 9, 2022 5:17 AM |
I had no idea that Entenmann's orgins were from a real family bakery. R.I.P. and kudos to whoever makes them today for still (for the most part) maintaining some quality in their product.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | March 9, 2022 5:19 AM |
Nasty ass dry “baked goods” with no flavor.
by Anonymous | reply 4 | March 9, 2022 5:20 AM |
He had hot buns but couldn't live forever.
by Anonymous | reply 5 | March 9, 2022 5:23 AM |
He smelled cookies and then he was gone.
by Anonymous | reply 6 | March 9, 2022 5:27 AM |
I loved the pound cake growing up. RIP.
by Anonymous | reply 7 | March 9, 2022 5:28 AM |
Entenmann's Pineapple Cheese Strudel. Oh the memories!
by Anonymous | reply 8 | March 9, 2022 5:32 AM |
Fat whores everywhere will be flying their napkins at half mast!
There. Made that funny for you.
by Anonymous | reply 9 | March 9, 2022 5:38 AM |
The chocolate covered doughnuts are to die for. Not like that shitty sickening sweet frosting you get on must doughnut shops. Totally a different thing.
by Anonymous | reply 10 | March 9, 2022 5:40 AM |
Remember when Entenmann's was good, back in the 1970s? I liked the raspberry danish, the crumb cake, and the chocolate covered doughnuts. (When did they start spelling them "d-o-n-u-t-s"?)
by Anonymous | reply 11 | March 9, 2022 8:44 AM |
I am having a private burial for an Entenmann's pound cake this morning.
by Anonymous | reply 14 | March 9, 2022 1:59 PM |
R14, please let us know the calling hours.
by Anonymous | reply 15 | March 9, 2022 2:02 PM |
Entenmann's was good as recently as the late 90s, and then like so many other big bakeries, they cheaped up the mixes and it became sawdust with a little sugar on top.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | March 9, 2022 2:14 PM |
@r14, DollarTree pound cake is better
by Anonymous | reply 17 | March 9, 2022 2:16 PM |
I used to buy their pastries many, many years ago, and they were just divine in flavor. But, not so much in recent years, and their ingredient list looked like a chemistry lab inventory, so I stopped buying their products.
by Anonymous | reply 18 | March 9, 2022 2:20 PM |
[quote] will be flying their flags at half mast!
Do you think we all live on boats or something?
by Anonymous | reply 20 | March 9, 2022 2:28 PM |
Back in the day these were what everyone craved. And damn, they were good. The cheese danish!
by Anonymous | reply 21 | March 9, 2022 2:35 PM |
He wasn’t the founder and his family sold the business 40 years ago. Just another dead guy. RIP.
by Anonymous | reply 22 | March 9, 2022 2:35 PM |
Entenmanns has been sold at least twice. It’s current,y owned by Thr Bimbo Brothers, who are awful and have pulled down this once great product. They use cheap aretificial ingredients and skimp on everything. The Mocha Brownie Ring was the best. Delicious vanilla Bundt cake, thick mocha buttercream icing, sprinkled atop with bits of brownie & covered with powdered sugar. I can’t remember if the original had chocolate chips in the cake.
The coffee cake had chocolate chips in it. Vanilla cake with chocolate chips, with thick, crunchy crumb topping sprinkled with powdered sugar.
My mither worked in a German restaurant when she was young and said two of the Entenmann women used to come in. She said she wasn’t sure if they were sisters or sisters in law. They would come in at lunch time, very nice prim and proper old ladies and proceeded to get soused on whisky sours. The. They would adjust their little old lady hats out in the parking lot and the next thing, my mother said they would all stand inside the restaurant and watch them navigate their yacht-sized car out of the parking lot. Cars made a lot of noise then when you constantly hit the brakes.
She said they were super nice, even when drunk off their asses.
There used to be outlet stores all over Long Island where you bought the stuff that expired the day before. In the 70s you had to get there before 9am because they’d be sold out.
by Anonymous | reply 23 | March 9, 2022 3:58 PM |
Sorry for typos I just woke up and the fingers aren’t fully limber yet
by Anonymous | reply 24 | March 9, 2022 3:59 PM |
R17, I am aware of the $Tree (now $1.25!) pound cake, especially thanks to our local 2018 Dollar Tree Pound Cake Queen's awareness campaign.
I chose to mourn this sad day with the appropriately branded cake, as they no longer make (or maybe they don't distribute it here anymore) the frosted fudge cake that I used to cut into 12 pieces, freeze, and eat, my sadness cake, applied when needed, which was about 3 cakes for a year.
The burial was a somber affair, attended by my partner, and our cats. The casket spray was crocus and snowdrop, as those are the available local floral, music selected from our hard drive. A little Nina Simone, a little Leonard Cohen, as it happened.
The cake was interred with a pot of Peets Major Dick.
by Anonymous | reply 25 | March 9, 2022 6:38 PM |
Fly high to that bakery in the sky, o sweet one!
I loved the cheese danish.
by Anonymous | reply 26 | March 9, 2022 6:45 PM |