Unexpected viewers are outraged over Jason Korpi and his parents behavior at the Tell All

Unexpected viewers have been shocked and appalled by what many have labeled abusive behavior from 18-year-old Jason Korpi towards his 17-year-old girlfriend, Kylen Smith.

Jason’s volatile and inflammatory personality and conduct were on full display at the Unexpected Tell All, where Jason’s parents, Scott and Heidi, were also in attendance.

Not only was Jason’s attitude and standpoints on the Tell All deeply alarming to the Unexpected audience, but his parents also appeared to show their true colors, which viewers have called out.

All Season 5 long, Jason’s parents tried to deflect blame for the way Jason acted. However, after watching Scott and Heidi defend Jason by saying that the show was only popular because of them, viewers have now turned against them.

Collective outrage from Unexpected viewers was apparent across social media for both Jason and his parents. Many also expressed their concern and sadness for what Kylen has gone through and what she continues to be caught in.

Social media was ablaze with disdain from Unexpected viewers for Jason Korpi and his parents

A fan page on Instagram shared still images from Jason and his parents at the Unexpected Tell All, where Jason claimed, “None of you guys were popular on the show other than me.”

After which, his dad concurred, and his mom laughed along.

The post’s caption read, “The S**tApple doesn’t fall far from the S**tTree. Finally see where Stupid-Hair gets his attitude from.”

The post’s comments section was filled with other Unexpected viewers who wanted to share their views.

One person said, “What is even worse to me is that neither set of their parents stands up for [Kylen] or sets him straight.”

Another wrote, “The look on [Scott’s] wife’s face says it all as well. Looks like she’s made to keep her mouth shut too.”

Someone else commented, “Yep this whole time I thought that the dad was a good guy but he just doesn’t listen. now we see that his dad is really his hype man.”

Yet another viewer remarked, “I used to feel sorry for the parents but not anymore. I can see where their turd of a son gets his ignorance from.”

Unexpected viewers had strong reactions to Jason Korpi and his parents

Twitter was also on fire with viewpoints from the Unexpected audience.

One popular opinion read, “Jason Korpi is a coward and a bully. He is weak and goofy and his parents don’t even call him on it. Mr. Tough Guy is upset that his girlfriend doesn’t fight his battles for him. What a disgusting POS!”

Another viewer said, “Well in case there was any confusion how Jason became such a piece of s**t, his parents just showed they’re as trashy as his mom’s 2003 chunky highlights.”

A different top comment read, “What’s more startling than Jason’s behavior is the 2 sets of parents, 4 WHOLE ADULTS who idly sit by watch him berate and abuse Kylen and do nothing to stop it. Most victims don’t have the advantage of so many ppl being aware.”

Season 4 of Seeking is available to watch

If you need something a little more light-hearted than what Unexpected has brought this season, the first episode of Season 4 of Seeking Sister Wife is available on Disovery+.

Fans can soak up the drama of people in polygamist or plural relationships and all that comes with it.

Unexpected airs Sundays at 10 p.m. EST and Discovery+.
