Who pays for the parts on Garage Squad and how real is the show?

In the exciting world of television, there’s a show that has revved up the engines of car enthusiasts across the United States – Garage Squad. But what’s the real deal behind this show? Do they really fix up people’s beloved cars? And who foots the bill for all those car parts? Let’s take a closer look at this popular TV show and uncover some intriguing facts.

Is Garage Squad for Real?

Garage Squad burst onto our screens back in 2014, airing on MotorTrend TV. It’s natural to wonder if everything we see on the show is genuine or if there’s some Hollywood magic involved. Well, here’s the scoop: Garage Squad is indeed a real deal. Aspiring car owners can submit their cherished projects through the Garage Squad website, making it clear that real people with real automotive dreams are involved.

While it’s true that the term ‘reality TV’ often comes with a hint of scripted drama, Garage Squad stays true to its core. Sure, there may be some planned elements for the sake of entertainment, but the emotional stories that unfold are as authentic as the roar of an engine. In a chat with WOCA The Source Radio, Joe Zolper, one of the show’s stars, shared that it can get pretty tough on set. It’s a heartfelt journey for both the mechanics and the car owners.

Who Foots the Bill for Car Parts?

Now, let’s talk turkey about who pays for those shiny new car parts. Garage Squad doesn’t leave us hanging when it comes to this question. According to their website’s FAQ section, they spill the beans. They say, “You guys spend a ton on parts, paint, etc. Who foots that bill? A: We do, with the help of great sponsors like Cooper Tires and RockAuto.com.”

In plain terms, Garage Squad shoulders the financial load of all those vital car components. Plus, they’ve got some fantastic sponsors on board, like Cooper Tires and RockAuto.com, who help keep the wheels turning.

The Clock is Ticking

Ever wonder how long it takes for Garage Squad to work their magic on a car? Well, they’re not in it for the long haul. Online sources reveal that the Garage Squad crew typically spends about a week on each vehicle. Yes, you read that right, just one week!

As per Reel Chicago, this tight schedule is all part of the magic. The crew has a mere seven days to perform all the necessary repairs before the grand reveal. That’s when friends and family gather to celebrate the rebirth of the automobile in the one-hour show.

Adaptability is Key

In the world of mechanics, adaptability is a superpower. Garage Squad’s Joe Zolper shared a little secret on WOCA The Source Radio in 201He emphasized that the mechanics on the show have to be resourceful. Sometimes, they don’t have all the fancy new parts they need, but that doesn’t stop them. They use their talents to make the best out of what they have. That’s a true testament to their skills and the world of mechanics.


So, there you have it – Garage Squad isn’t just another scripted TV show. It’s a real-life journey of passionate mechanics and car enthusiasts, working together to bring dreams back to life. And as for who pays for the car parts, Garage Squad and their awesome sponsors have got it covered. With their tight one-week schedule and resourceful approach, they continue to revitalize cherished automobiles and fuel the dreams of many. It’s a show that has found a special place in the hearts of car lovers across the nation.
