AJ Styles Talks The Worst Bump Of His Career, How Fast He Went From NJPW To WWE

AJ Styles did another one of his Twitch streams this weekend and revealed some interesting information to his fans during the show. He went into talking about what the worst bump of his career was before also getting into detail about just how fast he left NJPW for WWE when he found out about his contract offer.

When asked what the worst bump of his career was, Styles said, “D-Lo jumping off the ladder and then I just went blank. I don’t remember anything else until I came back and was just laying there. I just remember being in like a dream state. I remember telling myself like, ‘You got to get up!’ It was weird. I got up and everything was ok to finish the match. I don’t remember bumping my head or having a knot, and I don’t know if it was just the impact knocking the breath out of me and losing consciousness for a second. I don’t know what happened, because I remember what we were supposed to do and everything. D-Lo was probably 250 at the time, coming from an 8 foot ladder to the outside, so that’s probably at least 10 foot for a big man coming down to the floor. That was not fun. It wasn’t a concussion though; I think it just knocked the breath out of me or something.”

Styles then started talking about his transition from NJPW to WWE. Styles said, “I actually had to go over to Japan to do Wrestle Kingdom right after Christmas. It was then that I told them. And despite what you guys think, contracts were not a big thing over there. It was actually more of a handshake deal, and you honored that handshake. There’s nothing wrong with that. Problem was, if I wanted to leave, I could. I kind of let them know that. And this was me, Gallows and Anderson, so that was tough. We already knew that Shinsuke was on his way out. I had to let them know, and I gave them time. They wanted me to win the – I forget what it’s called, but it’s basically the Intercontinental Championship of New Japan. But anyway, I couldn’t do that because I was leaving, and they told me I was signing a contract and that’s not how it works. Literally, I flew home from Japan and ate dinner with my family, and flew out that same night. I flew to Pittsburgh to do all my testing to go to work for WWE. That’s how quick it was. Then, boom boom, I was at the Royal Rumble. It was that quick.”

You can watch AJ Styles stream on twitch and listen to him talk about these topics and more here. Thanks to Wrestling Inc. for transcribing what Styles said.
