Is Kordell Stewart gay or married to a woman?His age, biography, net worth

Kordell Stewart, also known as “Slash” is a former American football player who played for 11 years as a quarterback in the National Football League (NFL). Most of his early years as a player were recorded while he was a student at the University of Colorado. After impressive years of college football, he was selected by the Pittsburgh Steelers in the 1995 NFL Draft as the 60th selection. With the team, he played as a starting quarterback and wide receiver and quickly became a favorite with throws over three thousand yards, completing sixty percent of his passes and gaining 81.7% of the passer rate . Besides football, he is a radio journalist and artist. Read more details about the sports personality below.

Kordell Stewart – Biography, Age

Kordell Stewart was born in Marrero, Louisiana, on October 16, 1972, in the United States. He is an African American from the family of Robert Stewart Senior and Florence Stewart, which also includes his brother, Robert Stewart Junior. As a child, Kordell attended John Ehret High School and later won a scholarship to study at the University of Colorado.

Under Coach McCartney, Bill Kordell set a lot of records for the Buffaloes in particular, with most completions, yards and touchdowns. In 1992 and 1994, he guided the Buffaloes to the top 10 in the Regular Season Finals. He was one of the best quarterbacks in school history. His 38 rushing touchdowns had placed him at the top. Moreso, in 1995, the NFL Network ranked him sixth among the ten most skilled players in NFL history. The Pittsburgh Steelers then designated him the same year as the 60th pick.

As a starting quarterback, Stewart led the Steelers to a 13-3 record in the regular season and a total in the AFC playoffs under the watch of new Quarter Backs coach Tom Clements and Mularkey coach Mike , as the new offensive coordinator. In 2002, although Kordell Stewart started the season as a starting quarterback for the Steelers, he was later signed with the Chicago Bears as a free agent where he acted as a starter.

In 2003, he was replaced by Chris Chandler due to his many poor performances, but later was brought back as a starter after Chandler failed to measure up to his performances. After the Bears failed to qualify for the playoffs, Kordell was suspended in favor of rookie Rex Grossman. As a result, he left the Bears and joined the Ravens in 2004. He was assigned to Kyle Boller. Kordell managed to win the NFL Special Teams Player of the Week award. After that, he left the active football grid, but resurfaced on April 29, 2008, during an interview on WCNN. 680 The Fan.

In the interview, Kordell showed interest in returning to the National Football League. In January 2009, he was asked to become an analyst on ESPN’s College Football Live. In July 2009, he was also invited to appear on a show about the form of athletics in Colorado. On May 30, 2012, Kordell Stewart announced that he was officially retiring from the NFL.

Net value

Former NFL quarterback Kordell Stewart had a few solid and impressive years in the NFL as a player for the Pittsburgh Steelers, Chicago Bears, and Baltimore Ravens in which he had his biggest earning, surpassing 27 million dollars over a five-year period. At the time, he was considered one of the highest paid players in the NFL.

After his NFL career, Kordell appeared on a number of television shows and worked as an analyst covering games for ESPN such as NFL LiveNFL 32. In addition, he is paid to analyze games on radio programs and he is also an assistant journalist for the UFL. With all of these possibilities and more, his net worth is estimated to be over $16 million.

Is he gay or married to a woman?

In 2011, Kordell Stewart married Porsha Williams after dating her for a while. However, the marriage only lasted 3 years before the divorce. According to Porsha, she explained that the cause of their separation was actually the “gay accusation” made against her husband.

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During a show with Ryan Cameron, Kordell was also asked why he divorced William and his answer was different. He said the split happened because Porsha had a lot of influence over his son. It should be noted that Kordell has a son named Syre with his ex-girlfriend, Richardson Tania.

In 2014, it was speculated that he started dating Towanda Braxton is a popular American singer but this news was denied by both parties. Regarding the accusations that he is gay, there is no fact to demonstrate whether the claims are true or false, as Kordell has never denied or confirmed the speculation.
