Jared Padalecki Homophobic Rant Drama On Twitter- Transphobic Controversy Explained

Jared Padalecki, an American actor, best known for Sam Winchester in the tv series Supernatural, faces the controversial news of being a homophobic rant. Learn more about the Twitter drama.

Jared Padelecki, born in 1982, grew up in San Antonio, Texas, with his parents Gerald and Sherri. Jared has been active in the entertainment industry since 1999.

He got married to his co-star from Supernatural, Genevieve Cortese, in the year 2010. They are currently living happily in Austin, Texas, with their three beautiful children.

He is the launcher of the ‘Always Keep Fighting’ Campaign 2015 that supports people to get over their depression and anxiety. He also disclosed his battle with depression.

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Jared Padalecki Homophobic Rant Drama On Twitter

Jared Padalecki’s fans on Twitter were seen demanding Jared Padalecki to play the cast role on DCEU’s Nightwing instead of Nick Jonas. The drams started from here when the haters started opposing.

The tweet drama happened back in 2017 when another tweet requested to stop the drama. The other reply mentioned that he’s the worst cast than Nick Jonas. He’s also racist and transphobic.

And then another fan group of Jared’s name tweeted and they should not say those things about Jared without knowing him properly. The fan group also mentioned checking his Twitter, Instagram, and background before accusing him of anything.

Well, he seems to be involved in charity and social service. Nothing regarding his homophobic nature has been displayed in any of his social media.

Is Jared Padalecki Transphobic? Controversy Explained

Well, Jared Padalecki’s Transphobic nature has not been proved anywhere. But during NERDHQ, a girl put forward her question about having women on the show and how they are treated; he appeared misogynist.

He said that he is glad for the show being the male lead role one. And successively, he put forward his views after fans cracked transgender jokes.

All that Jared has to say about this is that he is mistaken, and that is the reason he rarely speaks on media.

Jared Padalecki Arrest News, What Did He Do?

Jared Padalecki was arrested in charge of punching his co-star Jensen Ackles right in the face.

The incident took place amid the news of a supernatural prequel. He was charged with public intoxication and assault.

He was seen hitting the bartender, followed by his friend Jensen. It is said that Jared had been the owner or maybe an ambassador of the ‘stereotype’ bar.

On the other hand, he sold over 70,000 t-shirts in partnership with Jensen through their foundation “Always Keep Fighting” before the controversy.
