Merritt Milliorn obituary: Young girl passes away after car accident

The sudden and unexpected passing of Merritt Milliorn Manning on Saturday, September 16, 2023, has left a profound void in the hearts of her loved ones. Merritt, who was just 34 years old, was a cherished daughter, sister, cousin, and friend. She was a vibrant soul who found artistic expression in everything she did, especially her love for live music.

For those fortunate enough to know Merritt well, her presence radiated warmth, and her heart overflowed with generosity. She possessed a unique gift for making everyone feel like they belonged, creating an atmosphere of inclusivity and warmth wherever she went. Merritt had a magnetic personality, drawing people in with her enthusiasm and creativity.

One of Merritt’s greatest joys in life was live music. Whether it was a concert in a packed stadium or an intimate gathering on Frenchman Street, she cherished the experience of live performances. Her love for music was a defining aspect of her character.

Merritt was a proud graduate of Hockaday School, representing the second generation of her family to achieve this milestone. Her educational journey continued at Tulane University, where she fell in love with the vibrant city of New Orleans and forged friendships that would last a lifetime.

She furthered her education at SMU, where she excelled and graduated at the top of her class. Merritt had a lifelong passion for western wear, which she was able to express creatively during her time at Lucchese Bootmaker. She was also working diligently toward obtaining her real estate license and had recently accepted a position with a commercial real estate firm in Dallas, reflecting her commitment to personal and professional growth.

A celebration of Merritt’s life will take place on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary at Park Cities Baptist Church. For those unable to attend in person, the event will be available for online viewing via live streaming at

As we remember Merritt Milliorn Manning, we celebrate a life that brought light, warmth, and music into the world. Her spirit will continue to live on in the hearts of all those who had the privilege of knowing her.
