Patricia Paige Obituary; New Kent County, VA District 3 Board Of Supervisor, Passes Away.

Many lives have been devastated by the loss of Patricia Paige, a cherished District 3 supervisor and a committed member of the New Kent County community. Her departure marks the end of an era characterized by unwavering dedication, service, and a strong desire to better her area.

In New Kent County, Patience Paige was widely recognized as a tireless advocate for the public good. In her capacity as a supervisor for the people of District 3, she went above and beyond the call of duty, working long hours to attend to the needs of her constituents and represent their interests.

She brought a forward-thinking perspective to the board during her tenure, consistently seeking out fresh approaches to advance sustainable development, enhance the county’s infrastructure, and take on significant neighborhood concerns.

Patricia led with a steadfast dedication to her duties and a sincere concern for the well-being of the people she sought out. Everyone in New Kent County is stunned and grieved by Patricia Paige’s passing, and many have paid respect to her and expressed their sympathy in the wake of the news. Her influence as a dedicated public worker and defender of the community’s welfare will be cherished and never forgotten.

We come together in this time of sadness to celebrate Patricia Paige’s life and the legacy she leaves behind. Patricia Paige made an enduring mark on the District 3 Board of Supervisors and the community at large. Her leadership, morals, and unwavering dedication to public service should serve as an inspiration to anybody hoping to have a significant effect on their communities.
