Where does Tim Ballard live? Peek inside his Provo, Utah, home

Operation Underground Railroad (OUR) was established by Tim Ballard, a former US government spy. Tim’s precise birthdate is unknown online, however, it is generally accepted that he was born sometime in the late 40s and early 50s. He has earned widespread recognition for his work to end child and human exploitation.

California is where Ballard was raised and was born. He completed his studies at Brigham Young University (BYU), where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and Political Science. The Monterey Institute of International Studies later awarded him a Master of Arts in international politics.

Operation Underground Railroad was established by Tim Ballard, who also served as the organization’s initial CEO. The 2023 American action film Sound of Freedom, starring Jim Caviezel, was inspired by Ballard’s work.

Tim Ballard’s estimated net worth in 2023 will be $10 million. Through his work as a speaker, author, and activist, he amassed a fortune. In total, Tim Ballard is the father of nine kids, including two who were adopted from Haiti. The names of the kids are not well-known.

Where does Tim Ballard live? Peek inside his Provo, Utah, home

As of the date of publication, Tim, his wife, and their nine children were living in Utah.
